Jennifer Lawton fine art painting & workshops
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New & Noteworthy
Painting-A-Day Challenge!
McMichael Autumn Artisan Market Fundraiser
Artwork Sell-Off!!!
Update: All the news that's fit to print!
Nature's Teachings
Carnival Jewels Door and Series!
Revamp of Website!
Paintings Can Be Seen "In Situ"!
Corporate Purchase!
Comments from the Midland Cultural Centre Quest Art Gallery Show
Opening of "The Bay: Moving Waters"
Adding New Paintings almost every day...
Local wins Mayor's Choice award in Toronto
An Explosion of Colour and Feeling, written by Jennifer Harker
Update: All the news that's fit to print!
Hello, everyone! I am writing to you from my hospital bed in Toronto Rehab Institute. Over the past 3 months I have undergone more extensive cancer surgery in an attempt towards better health and a more upbeat lifestyle! I'm happy to say that things are progressing on a positive note! Woohoo!!!!

While I have had to take a hiatus from large format paintings since December 2018, I have been amusing myself with a series of 4" 6" and 6" x 8" watercolour and mixed media paintings called POSTCARDS FROM THE BED. These are bright, vibrant, sometimes abstract, sometimes realistic images that I see from unique viewpoints in my various rooms and bed positions while at Toronto General Hospital initially, and Toronto Rehab Institute currently. The images I have completed have given me a chance to explore and develop new approaches to seeing and painting. A show of these small works, as well as larger developments of these ideas will be presented at the Double Doors Gallery in Anton Mills next September, 2019. Stay tuned for more information as it develops! In the meantime, pray for a speedy recovery in my last journey through this maze of beating my cancer. It seems to be working! Cheers!